Venus Correspondences
Metal: Copper
Colors: Green. Pink
Zodiac Signs: Taurus. Libra
Deities: Aphrodite. Astarte. Frigg. Hathor. Inanna. Ishtar
Day of the Week: Friday
Archangel: Uriel
Tarota Marsylskiego, 1890
Venus is the goddess of beauty, desire, friendship, love, sex, prosperity, and victory.
Symbols associated with Venus include roses, myrtle, and doves.
The Major Arcana tarot card associated with Venus is III. The Empress.
Venus as one of the planetary rulers of abundance is associated with currency, money, dollars, the elite, donors, and endowments.
House of Neptune Drawing by Giuseppe Abbate, 1844
Professionals associated with Venus include those in the arena of theatre and film—actors, apprentices, costume designers, entertainers, movie producers, theater owners and managers.
Those who beautify interiors such as cabinet makers, carpet layers, interior decorators, paperhangers are associated with Venus.
Confectioners and pastry cooks (makers of “sweet things”) are ruled by Venus.
Those working in negotiations of any kind are associated with Venus, like arbitrators, diplomats, mediators, and negotiators.
Professionals in finance, such as bankers, bank tellers, financiers, investors, money changers, money lenders, treasurers, are ruled partly by Venus.
Venus rules places associated with love and sex—like bridal chambers, boudoirs, and brothels—and professionals like matchmakers and wedding planners.
Beauty parlors, fashion shops, flower shops, and cosmetic and perfume stores, and other places associated with beauty are ruled by Venus, as well as professionals working as beauticians, fashion designers, florists, hairdressers, makeup artists, models, seamstresses, and tailors.
Art museums and galleries, as well as art dealers, artists, cartoonists,
Venus rules music and musicians, as well as composers, concert halls, entertainers, opera singers, poets, and ushers.
Banquets, cabarets, social gatherings, parties, celebrations, festivals and parades are ruled by Venus, as well as society editors and social secretaries.
Fraternity and sorority houses are ruled by Venus, as well as hotels and hotel gift shops. safes, shops,
House of Neptune Drawing by Giuseppe Abbate, 1844
Gardens and orchards are ruled by Venus, as well as fields of wheat and vineyards.
Venus rules flowers in general, especially a fragrant garden. Flora are alder trees, ash trees, birch trees, bishop’s weed, black snakeroot, blossoms, bramble, bugle, burdock, catnip, couchgrass, cowslips, cranebill, cudweed, cypress trees, daisies, elder, feather-few, figwort, foxglove, fruit trees, goldenrod, gromwell, hawthorn trees, herb-robert, kidney-wort, lilies, mallows, marshmallow, mint-money-wort, mints, nosegays, orchids, pansies, pennyroyal, pennywort, peppermint, primrose, pulsatilla, ragwort, roses, sneezewort, sorrel, spearmint, throat-wort, vervain, vines, violets, wood sorrel, and yarrow.
Fauna associated with Venus include cats, deer, doves, and swans.
Venus rules all precious stones and jewelry, especially the crown jewels of any kingdom and all crowns. Her specific gemstones are emeralds and sapphires. She also rules lapidaries and moss agate.
L'Imperatrice card from Oswald Wirth's 1889 tarot deck
Foods ruled by Venus include apples, apricots, artichokes, blackberries, cake, candy, cordials, gooseberries, grapes, honey, ice cream, jelly, nectarines, nectars, peaches, pears, pecans, potatoes, spices, spinach, strawberries, sugar, syrup, taffy, wine, and yams.
Parts of the human body under the influence of Venus are the lower half of the back, genitals, kidneys, ova, ovaries, internal reproductive system, throat, thymus gland, and tonsils.
Orphic Hymn to Venus (Aphrodite)
Heavenly [Ourania], illustrious, laughter-loving queen, sea-born, night-loving, of an awful mien. Crafty, from whom necessity [Ananke] first came, producing, nightly, all-connecting dame: It is thine the world with harmony to join, for all things spring from thee, O power divine. The triple Fates [Moirai] are ruled by thy decree, and all productions yield alike to thee. Whatever the heavens, encircling all contain, earth fruit-producing, and the stormy main. Thy sway confesses, and obeys thy nod, awful attendant of the brumal God. Goddess of marriage, charming to the sight, mother of Loves, whom banquetings delight; Source of persuasion, secret, favoring queen, illustrious born, apparent and unseen: Spousal, lupercal, and to men inclined, prolific, most-desired, life giving., kind: Great scepter-bearer of the Gods, it is thine, mortals in necessary bands to join. And every tribe of savage monsters dire in magic chains to bind, through mad desire. Come, Cyprus-born, and to my prayer incline, whether exalted in the heavens you shine, Or pleased in Syria's temple to preside, or over the Egyptian plains thy car to guide, Fashioned of gold; and near its sacred flood, fertile and famed to fix thy blest abode; Or if rejoicing in the azure shores, near where the sea with foaming billows roars, The circling choirs of mortals, thy delight, or beauteous nymphs, with eyes cerulean bright, Pleased by the dusty banks renowned of old, to drive thy rapid, two-yoked car of gold; Or if in Cyprus with thy mother fair, where married females praise thee every year, And beauteous virgins in the chorus join, Adonis pure to sing and thee divine; Come, all-attractive to my prayer inclined, for thee, I call, with holy, reverent mind.
Orphic Hymn 32 to Victory (Nike)
O Powerful Victory, by men desired, with adverse breasts to dreadful fury fired, Thee invoke, whose might alone can quell contending rage, and molestation fell: Tis thine in battle to confer the crown, the victor's prize, the mark of sweet renown; For thou rule all things, Victory divine! And glorious strife, and joyful shouts are thine. Come, mighty Goddess, and thy suppliant bless, with sparkling eye, elated with success; May deeds illustrious thy protection claim, and find, led on by thee immortal Fame.