Mars Correspondences
Metal: Iron
Zodiac Signs: Aries, Scorpio
Day: Tuesday
In astrology Mars represents how we take action in the world and assert ourselves. He shows how we go after what we want and deal with conflict. He is synonymous with energy, action, and drive. His qualities include courage, independence, leadership, strength, He is masculine and yang, ruling the signs of Aries (fire/cardinal) and Scorpio (water/fixed).
The Major Arcana Tarot card associated with Mars is The Tower.
Mars is known as the God of War and as such he rules battlefields and army officers, assassins, cadets, cavaliers, guards, pirates, profiteers, and police officers.
He exemplifies the warrior spirit and competition and rules athletes and sports arenas as well as professionals who help maintain the strength of the body like personal trainers, physical therapists, and physiotherapists.
Mars rules place of fire like bakeries, chimneys, fireplaces, foundries, furnaces, incinerators, and ovens. Professions associated with fire—like bakers, blacksmiths, cooks, fire fighters, forgers, and welders—are also ruled by Mars.
Body parts ruled by Mars include the adrenal gland, the left cerebral hemisphere, genitals, external reproductive organs, and the motor segment of the spinal cord. Mars rules adrenaline, bile, and blood.
Flora ruled by Mars includes plants with needles or bristles like aloes, anemone, brambles, briars, cactus, butcher's broom, hawthorn trees, nettles, thorns, thorny trees or bushes, thistles, honeysuckle, and witch hazel.
Mars also rules allheal, arnica, bryony, capers, capsicum, catnip, cayenne pepper, coriander, flax, gentian, geraniums, ginger, pungent herbs, hops, horseradish, horse’s tongue, hyssop, leadwort, leek, masterwort, mousetail, mustard, nettles, nux vomica trees, onions, Peruvian bark, plantain, radishes, rhubarb, sarsparilla, savin, tobacco, valerian, and wormwood.
Criminals in general are ruled by Mars, especially bootleggers, burglars, and pirates.
Mars rules professions involving blood like barbers, butchers, and surgeons and professions involving death like cemetery workers, coroners, and morticians. He rules barbershops, cemeteries, operating rooms, and stockyards.
Bill collectors and garbage collectors are ruled by Mars.
Mars also rules builders, carpenters, mechanical engineers, mechanics, and sculptors.
Pharmacies and apothecaries are associated with Mars, as well as chemists, dentists, massage therapists, and pharmacists.
Fauna ruled by Mars include animals of prey, eagles, falcons, rams, and stinging insects.
Stones and gems like bloodstones, brimstone, and red hematite are ruled by Mars.
Orphic Hymn to Mars (Ares)
Magnanimous, unconquered, boisterous Mars, in darts rejoicing, and in bloody wars. Fierce and untamed, whose mighty power can make the strongest walls from their foundations shake: Mortal destroying king, defiled with gore, pleased with war’s dreadful and tumultuous roar: Thee, human blood, and swords, and spears delight, and the dire ruin of mad savage fight. Stay, furious contests, and avenging strife, whose works with woe, embitter human life; To lovely Venus [Kypris], and to Bacchus [Lyaios] yield, to Ceres [Deo] give the weapons of the field; Encourage peace, to gentle works inclined, and give abundance, with benignant mind.