Neptune Correspondences

Woodcut engraving from the the book "Der Olymp oder die Mythologie der Griechen und Römer (The Olympus or the Mythology of the Greeks and Romans)", published by August Heinrich Petiscus in C.F. Amelang's Verlag, Leipzig (1878, 18th edition)

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Neptune is known as The God of the Sea and his symbols include the horse, trident, and dolphin. In Ancient Greece. he was Poseidon. Other deities associated with Neptune include Amphitrite.

The Major Arcana Tarot card is The Hanged Man.

Image from The Illustrated Key to the Tarot, Lauron William de Laurence, 1918

The festival associated with Neptune was Neptunalia which was celebrated in Ancient Rome around July 23 during the hottest days of summer.

Qualities associated with Neptune include absentmindedness, abnormality, artificiality, and dreaminess. 

Neptune rules artifice and aesthetics and is associated with flutes and glass eyes. 

It rules black magicians, blackmail, brotherhoods, cabals, conspiracies, hoaxes, occult religions, secret societies, subterfuge, treachery, voodoo, witches, and wizards.

Neptune rules the psychic senses including clairsentience and clairvoyance it also rules crystal balls, hidden forces, kundalini function,  omens, oracles, pineal gland, premonitions, prophets, psychism, séances, spiritual powers, and the astral plane.   

It is associated with parables and puzzles, disguises, pseudonyms, and clouds, vapors, and veils. It also rules mazes and nets.

Neptune rules addictions, delusions, dreams, illusions, hysteria, inspirations, reveries, romances, scandals, schemes, utopias, and visions. 

Neptune rules cosmology and fables as well as floods and baptisms. It also rules voyages and wanderings. 

It rules poisons and habit-forming drugs,  inoculation and hypodermic needles, comas and deep sleep, as well as sponges and osmosis. 

Mermaids, nymphs, nymphomania, seraphim, sirens, angels, fairies, fauns—as well as paradises and pirates—are ruled by Neptune. 

It rules bliss, harems, and seduction as well as suffering and worries. 

neptune astrology

Neptune sits on a cloud with his trident and an arm around the Coat of Arms of Amsterdam, Cornelis Anthonisz, 1544

Professionals ruled by Neptune include those who create or produce artifice—actors, artists, ballet dancers, dancers, fiction writers, illustrators, impersonators, makeup artists, musicians and sorcerers. 

Neptune also rules professionals of the spirit realms like clairvoyants, fortune tellers, hypnotists, metaphysicians, psychics, seers, spiritual counselors, spiritual mediums, and yogis.

He is also associated with professionals at sea—admirals, life guards, navigators, oceanographers, naval officers, shippers as well as those whose work must remain hidden like clandestine associates, confidential advisors, criminals, detectives, private investigators, and  spies.

Neptune rules professionals who produce or deliver substances—bootleggers, chemical engineers, chemists, liquor dealers, pharmacists, service station attendants.

He also rules charlatans and frauds and those who must guard places of confinement such as prison guards. He rules retirement. 

neptune astrology

Vignette, cut in wood by Anderson, from a design by Sully, represents Columbia Seizing the trident of Neptune, 1815

Neptune rules locations associated with water like aquariums, aqueducts, barges, baths, bayous, bays, beaches, canals, cess pools, the deep sea, dikes, docks, ferries, fish canneries, fountains, harbors, houseboats, icebergs, lagoons, low flood-prone lands, lavatories, ponds, ports, rapids, reservoirs, schooners, showers, springs of water, streams, submarines, swamps, swimming pools, viaducts, waterfalls, wharfs, and yachts.

He also rules locations associated with medicinal substances, including apothecaries, as well as places of confinement like asylums, hidden places, hospitals, jails, reformatories, retreats, and secluded places. 

Neptune rules the projection of visions and dreams on the stage and screen, and the places where the public views these dreams—cinemas, motion picture theaters, the stage as well as nudist colonies and spiritualist churches.

neptune astrology

Medusa and Neptune embracing beside a winged horse, c 1500s

Flora ruled by Neptune include habit-forming substances like coca and coffee and sea-based plants like kelp, and water-mosses and water-plants.

Fauna associated with Neptune include butterflies, corals, jellyfish, pigs, and sponges.

Neptune rules all habit-forming substances like coffee, cocaine, cigars, cigarettes, drugs, hashish, ice cream, morphine, opiates, opium, tea, tinctures, tobacco, whiskey, and wine. 

Orphic Hymn to Neptune (Poseidon) 

Hear, Neptune [Poseidon], ruler of the sea profound, whose liquid grasp begirts the solid ground; Who, at the bottom of the stormy main, dark and deep-bosomed, holds thy watery reign. Thy awful hand the brazen trident bears, and ocean's utmost bound, thy will reveres: Thee I invoke, whose steeds the foam divide, from whose dark locks the briny waters glide; Whose voice loud founding through the roaring deep, drives all its billows, in a raging heap; When fiercely riding through the boiling sea, thy hoarse command the trembling waves obey. Earth shaking, dark-haired God, the liquid plains (the third division) Fate to thee ordains, 'Tis thine, cærulian dæmon, to survey well pleased the monsters of the ocean play, Confirm earth's basis, and with prosperous gales waft ships along, and swell the spacious sails; Add gentle Peace, and fair-haired Health beside, and pour abundance in a blameless tide.


Pluto Correspondences


Uranus Correspondences