Virgo Correspondences

Virgo from Star Lore of All Ages, 1911 

Ruler: Mercury

August 23 — September 22

Color: Violet

Metal: Mercury

Sternzeichen Jungfrau (Virgo) from Astrologie & Sternzeichen & Kalender by Johannes Regiomontanus, 1512 

  • In the body, Virgo corresponds to the hands, solar plexus, and digestive organs. Health issues corresponding to Virgo include cholera, digestive issues, typhoid, and dis-ease in general. 

  • Virgo corresponds to health and hygiene of the body in general, including the health of the collective body in the form of public health. As part of corresponding to hygiene and care of the body, Virgo corresponds with clothing as well as the cabinets and closets in which it is stored. Virgo is also associated with ideas of chastity and this can include sexual abstinence but also be applied to ideas of purity in terms of personal and collective hygiene. 

  • Virgo is a Mutable Earth sign and corresponds to the physical body and that which grows from the Earth that sustains the body, including animals and plants. Gardens, wheat fields, orchards, dairy farms, chicken farms, grocery stores, cafeterias, and cafes are associated with Virgo. 

Sterrenbeeld maagd Virgo, c. 1880 - 1920

  • Virgo corresponds to employees in general as well as a plethora of specific professionals including accountants, administrators, animal trainers, beekeepers, bookkeepers, butlers, chemists, civil servants, clerks, dairy farmers, domestic servants, dry cleaners, editors, employees, librarians, military officers, nurses, physicians, psychiatrists, scientists, secretaries, tailors, textile workers, statisticians, and veterinarians.

  • In its roles of caretaking and providing hygiene for the collective body, Virgo is associated with aid societies, charities, sanitation services. It also cares for the public knowledge bank in its associations with libraries and museums.

The major arcana Tarot card associated with Virgo is The Hermit

Specific herbs associated with Virgo are skullcap and valerian, and the meadows in which they grow also correspond with Virgo.

  • Specific animals associated with Virgo are those that reside in or near the home, such as dogs and cats, and those that can be farmed at home, like chickens and bees. 

  • Geographical locations corresponding to Virgo are Assyria, Brazil, the Congo, Greece, Mesopotamia, Switzerland, Turkey, and the West Indies. 

  • Schedule an astrology reading and find out which correspondences will be most empowering for your life.

  • Learn about the correspondences with Gemini, the other sign ruled by Mercury.

The illustration of Virgo from the 6th page of Fabricius's description of the menologia rustica in Rome, heading its treatment of September, 1560 reprint of a 1549 work

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