What is the Lion’s Gate Portal?

leo zodiac sign constellation

Leo illustration from Blanco y Negro

The Lion’s Gate portal is usually referred to as occurring on August 8 every year, hence the numerological 88, but the actual Lion’s Gate is when the Sun is at 15 degrees Leo. It is referred to in astrology as one of the Gates of the Avatars. These Gates are the 15-degree mark in each of the Fixed Signs. Leo at 15 degrees is the strongest expression of Fire. Scorpio at 15 degrees is the most potent expression of Water. Taurus at 15 degrees is the zenith of Earth. Aquarius at 15 degrees is the apex of Air.

Each gate is halfway between a solstice and equinox. They are each a portal and midpoint. Taurus 15 is the midpoint between the Vernal Equinox and Summer Solstice. Leo 15 midway between Summer Solstice and Autumnal Equinox. Scorpio 15 is halfway between the Autumnal Equinox and Winter Solstice and Aquarius 15 is equally situated between the Winter Solstice and Vernal Equinox.

lion illustration

“Leo” from Repertorio de los Tiempos c. 1492

Dane Rudhyar refers to these as the Gates of Avataric Descent. In his book Astrology of Personality, he states “the points of maximum release of energy are to be found mid-way between equinoxes and solstices. These points are thus on the following degrees of the circle: 45-135-225-315; or in terms of the usual zodiacal nomenclature: Taurus 15, Leo 15, Scorpio 15; Aquarius 15. These points are not unknown to some occultists. They correspond to what has been called: The Four Gates of Atavaric Descent.

As an “Avatar” in ancient terminology is a release of cosmic energy, the meaning of the phrase is quite evident. These Four Gates are symbolized by the four symbolic creatures: the Bull—the Lion—the Eagle—the Angel. Each of them depicts a particular type of dynamic release, a particular type or Ray of Power—and of power-releasing “initiation.” The Bull and Lion represent individuating power…the Eagle and the Angel symbolize collectivating power. We might add that the Bull is power toward the formation of the individual being, while the Lion is power emanating from the individual being. The Eagle is power toward the formation of the universal being, while the Angel is power emanating from the universal being.


“Leo Major and Leo Minor” plate 20 in Urania’s Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied by A familiar treatise on astronomy ... by Jehoshaphat Aspin, 1825

In the cycle of the year the four “avataric” points occur approximately on May 6, August 8, November 8, and February 5. At these times the energies or realizations which were gathered in at equinoxes and solstices are released and made effective.”

Rudhyar later discusses the meaning of an avatar as follows: “In the introvert, life operates inward; in the extrovert, outward. But in the creator, it operates ‘in and through.’ The creator, at this highest [level], is what Hindu wisdom names an “avatar.” The avatar is not only the “hypostasis” of a “greater Individual.” It is the answer to a collective need; it is the answer, through an individual, to a collective need which the individual focalized within himself—a need, by fulfilling which, he overcame.” 


“Leo” from Calendarium Romanum by George Fabricus, c. 1560

Entering the Gates

Of these energetic portals, the Lion’s Gate portal is the strongest, as the Sun is domiciled in Leo. The Bull’s Gate is in the sign of Taurus, which is ruled by Venus. There is another way to work with these 15 degree points. This is  with the corresponding planet that is domiciled in the specific Fixed sign. For example, Venus is domiciled in Taurus and Venus is at 15 degrees Taurus every year. One can work with this gate of Venus, although it would no longer occur between the equinox and the solstice. One can also work with Mars at 15 degrees in Scorpio, which occurs every 2 years. To work with the Angel’s Gate of Saturn in Aquarius, one will need to wait until 2050. Of course there are other ways to work with these gates.


Strength major arcana card from the Rider Waite Tarot c. 1910

What is the Date of the Lion’s Gate?          

The actual Gate of the Avatar of this year (2024)  is on August 7. The exact time of the lion’s gate portal will vary based on your geographic location. The Lion’s Gate portal is the Gate of the Avatar with the Sun in Leo.

The numerology of 8/8 is alluring and so many will observe Lion’s Gate on on 8/8 regardless of whether Leo is at 15 degrees or not. This is also reinforced because the major arcana tarot card associated with Leo is VIII. Strength, which shows the Virgin pacifying the Lion. Astrologically, the number 8 is associated with Mercury—who rules Gemini and Virgo—and his magic square has 8 numbers on each side, with a total of 64 numbers, 8x8. The number 3 is commonly associated with the Sun, with 3 numbers on each side, 3x3. 


Strength (La Force) major arcana card from the H. Pussey Grand Etteilla Tarot Deck

This year on 8/8 the Sun at 16 degrees Leo so not a true alignment. (Although this will vary slightly based on your location.) However, on 8/8 a Grand Trine in Earth and Air channels powerful interlocking energies between the Moon at 28 Virgo, Uranus at 27 Taurus, and Pluto at 0 Aquarius. This could bring sudden transformations in the collective emotional ethos.

The astrological aspects of 8/8 this year include a powerful kite pattern with the central arrow pointing at Neptune at 29 degrees Pisces opposing the Moon at 29 Virgo. This aspect can heighten emotions, sensitivity, and psychic awareness. But it can also bring confusion, misunderstanding, escapism, and illusions. This can complicate the effect of Mercury in retrograde. While Mercury is domiciled in Virgo, a sign in which it sees quite clearly, this retrograde period can be beneficial for focusing inward and reviewing unfinished business from the past, whether that means connecting with others or perhaps internally making peace with the unfinished business left in our own hearts. 


“Leo, the Lion” from Zodiac Stories by Blanche Mary Channing, 1889

In The Master Game Robert de Ropp states, “The mandala in its various forms symbolizes the different levels of energy locked in the human organism, the forces needed to release those energies (the four circles), the ways of approach (the four gates), and the energies themselves (the four triangles.)” He also states, “It was the emotional brain that compelled every avatar (an incarnation of deity, as Christ, Buddha), every genuine saint, every true teacher and benefactor of mankind to transform their dreams into realities, to struggle and triumph over their own inertia.”

To work with Lion’s Gate portal this year, you can build your relationship with the element of Fire: embodying qualities of courage, confidence, strength, spiritual faith, generosity, joy, and healthy pride. You can channel any creative sparks within you that are calling to serve the collective. With the moon waxing on 8/7 and 8/8 it will be an ideal time for manifestation work and reviving any unfinished creative projects like songs, poetry, paintings, dances…or even a documentary film or novel.

Schedule an astrology reading and find out how you can harness the energies of the Lion’s Gate as well as other astronomical phenomena.

Read my article Leo Correspondences to learn more about the power of the Sun and the Sun-ruled sign of Leo.

lion illustration

Leo circa 1930

From the Blog


  1. Rudhyar, Dane. Astrology of Personality.

  2. Ropp, Robert. The Master Game.

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