Kundalini Awakening Support Group
It is my intention to run a peer-group for others who are undergoing the rapid physiological and psycho-spiritual transformation that accompanies kundalini awakening. These experiences are a bit like a rip cord being pulled and huge swaths of one’s trauma and ancestral and past life karma arising at once for processing and release.
Kundalini awakening often does not involve kundalini yoga or even any yoga practice at all. These experiences vary from person to person depending on one’s spiritual path, level of preparation, and karmic unfolding.
Many people spontaneously awaken kundalini, and this can occur for a variety of reasons. It can result from something as simple as riding a horse or breaking one’s tailbone. It can also occur after an intense meditation retreat, decades of dedicated meditation practice, or an ayahuasca ceremony, or decades of ayahuasca ceremonies. The unfolding varies widely for everyone and the potential for kundalini awakening is inherent within us all.
Kundalini awakening is a type of spiritual awakening
But not all spiritual awakening involves the unfoldment of kundalini. It is quite intense and not everyone who experiences it finds it a treat. In the words of Swami Satyananda Saraswati in Kundalini Tantra: “The awakening of kundalini is like a great explosion which transports a person into another plane of being.” Many of us experience this explosion in our lives without having a clue as to where it came from.
In my experience it began with feelings of burning heat in my sacrum and spine and standing up from a chair to feel the seat burning hot. It has continued for years with overwhelming vibrations throughout my body that often require me to rest for many days. It is the rapid process of the body’s subtle energies completely rewiring and this can involve substantial downtime for many of us, which can be challenging when raising children, running a business, or working full-time. Many of us take breaks from employment for months or even years.
In Kundalini Tantra, Saraswati describes the process as “a journey through the border region between the known and the unknown …this explosion signals a profound alteration in consciousness.” The process of approaching the unknown often requires us to traverse the abyss which can feel quite daunting and isolating for many of us.
Finding the treasures in the dark is part of the path.
How do you know if kundalini awakening applies to you?
The most identifiable experience is a feeling of very strong electric energy shooting up your spine like being plugged into a wall socket. This energy might move all the way or part of the way to your crown.
At times it can feel like it’s shooting up through your skull and into the sky above your head. This electric energy can radiate across one’s back, through one’s arms and legs, and throughout the whole body. It is a very shocking and dramatic feeling for those who encounter it for the first time.
After months or years of continual kundalini unfoldment, it is common for one to notice it less. The intensity becomes part of the background of life and less distracting, but it often feels quite pleasant and the you can work with its energy in a variety of ways—such as restoring one’s energy or performing hands-on healing for oneself or others.
Symptoms that accompany the rising of kundalini include
Spontaneous shaking of legs and arms and spontaneous yoga poses and mudras
Spontaneous humming, singing, or speaking in unknown languages
Unconsciously sucking in one’s breath, holding it, and moving energy up the spine
Profound desire for prayer, service to others, meditation, retreats, or pilgrimages
Gradual or sudden opening of the ajna chakra (third eye)
Sinus pressure or pressure at the top of the crown
Hearing chimes, bells, choirs, celestial music, flutes, birds, or other sounds
Seeing many lights inside one’s body or inside one’s head
Seeing psychedelic visions behind one’s eyes at night before sleep
Huge shifts in consciousness in a short amount of time
Dramatic increase or decrease in sex drive, appetite for food, or physical energy
Processing emotions and energies from your loved ones and the larger collective
Join others undergoing kundalini in supportive groups
It is my intention to coordinate small peer-led kundalini support groups beginning later this year. Sign up below to be notified if you are interested. These groups will be:
Scheduled for a time of day accessible to both New York and LA
Once a month or so, as often as twice a month if participants are interested
Confidential unless one grants permission to share their stories
Peer-led stemming from a desire to form and support community
Donation based
Sign Up To Be Notified
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Chakras: Energy Centers of Transformation by Harish Johari
Kundalini Tantra by Satyananda Saraswati
Kundalini: The Evolutionary Energy in Man by Gopi Krishna
The Serpent Power by Arthur Avalon